full page PACK jayel draco lynsey g cardinal rae oneshi press anthology #05

A New Installment of PACK Is HERE in OPQA #05!

There’s a new 8-page installment of your favorite comic about vigilante dogs out now in Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #05!

Order OPQA #05 now in print or digital!

Learn how Kindness, the pit bull who was dog-napped and forced to fight, escaped his captor…and how he joined the PACK! But that’s not all that’s waiting for you in OPQA #05!  This 60-page collection of indie comics features 8 short comics and art from 18 international, intersectional creators!

cover and logo of oneshi press anthology #05 by james groeling

First, witness the final form of Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco’s feminist hero, Tracy Queen; the last four pages of Issue #01 of her graphic novel unfold in epic style!

tracy queen full page oneshi press anthology #05

Then, dive into the extra-short comic “Maroon” from Jason Hart and Teemu Juhani. Here, space, time, and art demand a deeper look.

full page maroon jason hart teemu juhani oneshi press anthology #05

Next, in “Gabrielle,” by Erica Schultz and Emily Swan, peer into a typical morning for a woman. She looks right through the people around her—and who has more layers than any of them.

full page gabrielle erica schultz emily swan cardinal rae oneshi press anthology #05

Then, in the fourth installment of Lomack: The Giant Warrior Angel by Miguel Colón, plumb the depths of our mohawked hero’s post-apocalyptic world.

full page lomack miguel colón oneshi press anthology #05

And then join the soldiers of Strikeforce Dracula in a complex tale that pits vampires and humans against intergalactic evil, as imagined by Charley Macorn and Lucas Peverill.

full page strikeforce dracula charley macorn lucas peverill oneshi press anthology #05

A trip to the video store reveals that one should never judge a DVD—or VHS tape—by its cover. Discovery why in “Kit and Kat Got Bats for Brains Presents: Visceral Video” by “Kreepy” Kevin Sheely.

full page kit and kat got bats for brains present visceral video kevin sheely oneshi press anthology 305

Finally, peer into the ongoing story of the PACK, told by Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco. Watch as as Officer James MacHaggert weighs the rights of the innocent against the forces of evil…and decides where he fits in.

full page PACK jayel draco lynsey g cardinal rae oneshi press anthology #05

Along the way, explore the gorgeously layered cover art by James Groeling! Then enjoy a wonderful watercolor introduction by Pink Pitcher!

full page intro root and branch pink pitcher oneshi press anthology #05

There’s guest art from ShaydenSketches and artists spotlight on Jacey Chase and James Groeling! And lettering from Cardinal Rae and JSquared! There’s coloring by Desiree King; and flats by Flattsquat!

Order now to immerse yourself in gorgeous, progressive indie comics!

OPQA #05 is available now in limited-edition print from the Oneshi Press store, and in digital format from ComiXology!


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