Author: Lynsey G

  • PACK Is Kickstarting!

    PACK Is Kickstarting!

    Oneshi Press is raising funds to print the first standalone issue of PACK! To produce 1,000 copies of the first 24-page issue of the 7-part comic book series, they’re turning to Kickstarter! About PACK PACK tells the tale of the 6 stray dogs—and 1 stray man—who put crime under the fang. In Brooklyn, where gentrification is king and corruption…

  • PACK 2: Kindness Begins in Oneshi Press Anthology #04

    PACK 2: Kindness Begins in Oneshi Press Anthology #04

    Oneshi Press Anthology #04 Is HERE! The first installment of PACK 2: Kindness is finally here, in the pages of Oneshi Press Anthology #04! It’s out now in gorgeous limited edition trade paperback format, and you can also get a digital copy from ComiXology! However you choose to read, just make sure you get your copy soon! You’ll…

  • TONIGHT: Live Q&A about PACK with Oneshi Press Co-founders!

    TONIGHT: Live Q&A about PACK with Oneshi Press Co-founders!

    Are you a fan of PACK? A critic? A curious bystander? Do you wonder what the heck we think we’re doing, publishing a comic about vigilante dogs? You’re in luck! The creators of PACK, Jayel Draco and Lynsey G., who also happen to be the co-founders of Oneshi Press, will hold a live-streamed Q&A tonight, live on!…

  • Installment #03 of PACK Is Out NOW!

    Installment #03 of PACK Is Out NOW!

    Every three months, Oneshi Press publishes eight pages of PACK in an anthology of short comics. And installment #03 just dropped! Now, 24 pages of everyone’s favorite canine vigilante series are out! Grab them at the Oneshi Press store, in print and e-book! In these pages, you can learn how Humility the mutt became a one…

  • New PACK Merch at the Oneshi Press Store!

    New PACK Merch at the Oneshi Press Store!

    Oneshi Press just combined their art books, comics (like PACK), art prints, and merch into one online store! Oneshi Press is releasing PACK eight pages at a time in its indie comics anthologies, alongside other stories by amazing, diverse creators from around the world. Nab a copy of each anthology in its limited-edition print paperback version before they…

  • The First 16 Pages of PACK Are Out!

    The First 16 Pages of PACK Are Out!

    The first 16 pages of the gritty comic about vigilante dogs—PACK—are out and available for purchase! 8 pages of the comic are available in each of the first two Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthologies, and 8 more will be released in each anthology to come (published every 3 months)! Here’s all the info, reblogged from the Oneshi Press…

  • Reblog: Call for Submissions for Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology

    Reblog: Call for Submissions for Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology

    Hi, PACK fans! If you like gorgeous art, gritty storytelling, and deep questions about heroes and villains—which you probably do if you love PACK—then get involved in telling your own stories with sequential art! The publisher of PACK, Oneshi Press, is accepting submissions of 8-page sequential art on a rolling basis for its quarterly anthologies, and we want you to…

  • PACK Begins in Oneshi Press’s Quarterly Anthology!

    PACK Begins in Oneshi Press’s Quarterly Anthology!

    PACK begins! At last, the first eight pages of the gritty comic about vigilante dogs is now available in the first-ever quarterly comics anthology from Oneshi Press! The print edition is now available exclusively at the Oneshi Press Bookshop! From the Oneshi Press blog: Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #01 is a 40-page collection of sequential art about humble beginnings,…

  • Reblog: Submissions for the Oneshi Press Anthology Now Open!

    Reblog: Submissions for the Oneshi Press Anthology Now Open!

    Oneshi Press, the publisher of PACK, is creating a quarterly comics anthology! The first anthology, due out in July, will feature eight pages of PACK, as well as three other eight-page stories. Right now, Oneshi Press is looking for submissions of graphic works, guest art, and advertisements for their second anthology! The following blog, containing detailed information about…

  • New Video from Oneshi Press!

    New Video from Oneshi Press!

    Oneshi Press, the publisher of PACK, creates gorgeous, progressive, immersive worlds for readers to explore. So the co-founders of the press, Jayel Draco and Lynsey G, just created a new video to invite viewers into their worlds! Featured prominently are gorgeous art pieces, motion graphics, and motion comics all created by Jayel Draco—including some beautiful moments…