coloring contest pack comicbook oneshi press jacey chase

Color with the PACK and Jacey Chase for a Free Copy of PACK #1!

coloring contest pack comicbook oneshi press jacey chase

The folks at Oneshi Press have teamed up with Jacey Chase—a brilliant artist, repeat Oneshi Press contributor, community member, and fanastic human—to bring you a super-fun, super-sweet PACK coloring contest!

Oneshi Press and Jacey Chase are inviting dog and art lovers alike to join the fun on either of their Patreon communities. Supporting members of either Patreon can download the beautiful line art Jacey has created of Patience with the dogs. Then, participants can color it to their heart’s content. Digital or traditional! Photoshop or colored pencils! Whatever works for you!

Then, share your finished picture in any of the following places:

You can also share it on social media with the hashtags  #jaceychasecolor and #oneshipress! Whatever you do, make sure it happens by February 2nd.

Shortly after that, Jacey and the Oneshi Press crew will get together and choose a winner! The color-er they choose will receive a free, signed copy of PACK #1: Humility! You definitely want a copy of this gorgeous vigilante comic, filled to bursting with adorable (and scary) doggo art, vigilante justice, and gritty Brooklyn street scenes. So hurry up and join either Patreon, download your art, and start coloring!


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