The First 16 Pages of PACK Are Out!

The first 16 pages of the gritty comic about vigilante dogs—PACK—are out and available for purchase! 8 pages of the comic are available in each of the first two Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthologies, and 8 more will be released in each anthology to come (published every 3 months)!

Here’s all the info, reblogged from the Oneshi Press website!

What’s In It?

Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #02 features five 8-page comics, a single 1-page intro comic, four artist spotlights, guest art, and more! This anthology explores independence, heroism, corruption, war, and play, all in one lush volume.


Learn how our feminist here, the the mafia boss-turned-biochemist-turned-pornstar-turned-warlord Tracy Queen, befriended the drug-addled raccoon Nikola, in the second installment of Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco’s epic graphic novel! Watch the mutant who wants to be a hero, Lomack: the Giant Warrior Angel, defend the rights of the meek in the installment #02 of Miguel Colón’s graphic novel! Peek into the seedy underbelly of the superhero world with “Confidence Game,” a short black & white comic from Dino Carusoand James Liswed! See a rookie cop with a heart of gold grapple with canine vigilantism in Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco’s gritty comic series, PACK! Ponder the meaning of war games in “Trenches,” a short black & white comic from Brendan Rowe and Creees Hyunsung Lee!

Other Art

Enjoy spotlights on the work of four of our favorite visual artists: Jenelle Leigh CampionArtist Jessie SmithMaia Gabrielle, and Jsquared! Marvel at the weirdness of Lynsey G.’s intro comic about a faceless entity named Vague Egg! Chuckle at the ridiculous (fake) ads! Enjoy the guest art! Check out the fabulous lettering by Cardinal Rae and flatting by Flattsquat!

Where to Buy

You can purchase a trade paperback print edition of Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #02from the Oneshi Press Bookshop, or in digital format from ComiXology or Amazon Kindle!


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