pack comic book kickstarter oneshi press

PACK Is Kickstarting!

Oneshi Press is raising funds to print the first standalone issue of PACK! To produce 1,000 copies of the first 24-page issue of the 7-part comic book series, they’re turning to Kickstarter!

About PACK

PACK tells the tale of the 6 stray dogs—and 1 stray man—who put crime under the fang. In Brooklyn, where gentrification is king and corruption runs deep, the only way to stay safe is to assume everyone is on the take. On these lawless streets, these pups protect the innocent.

Each member of the PACK—both the dogs and the man—has a backstory. Some are tragic, some are mysterious…and each one will be told in its own issue of PACK.

About Issue #01: Humility

Oneshi Press is raising funds to print 1,000 copies of the first issue of this series: PACK #01: Humility. Humility is the smallest and newest member of the PACK. A Chihuahua–Bull Terrier mix, he’s notorious for riding Chastity, the mastiff, like his steed.

In PACK #01: Humility, readers will learn where this proud little ball of energy came from, how he became a member of the PACK, and where these vigilantes fit into the Brooklyn streetscape.

The writing, art, and lettering for PACK #01: Humility are already 100% complete! The pages have been published in 3 parts, in 3 issues of the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology. Now, it’s time for Humility to get his own 24-page, standalone comic book! This pup deserves his due…and fans of the series deserve to hold the first issue of PACK in their hands! With your help, Oneshi Press is making it happen at Kickstarter!

About the Kickstarter

What they need to make the first issue of PACK happen is raise funds to print it! With your backing, they’ll produce 1,000 printed copies of the standard comic-book-size issue. That should be enough to send copies out to backers with enough left over to bring to conventions, sell on their website, and send out to press, comic shops, and elsewhere!

Your support will help Oneshi Press get the word about these brave vigilante dogs out into the world, and get this gritty comic book series off to a paw-sitively excellent start! (Sorry. Couldn’t resist one good “paws” pun.)

All campaign backers will receive PACK #01: Humility, in digital or printed form! Other rewards include shwag packs of stickers and postcards, signed art, cameo appearances in future issues, and even original penciled pages of PACK #01: Humility!

You’ll also get the warm, fuzzy feeling of supporting an indie comic and the team behind it! Don’t you just love warm fuzzies? Head over to the Kickstarter to make it happen! Chip in if you can, or share on social media! Every little bit helps Oneshi Press reach their goal!


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