Reblog: Submissions for the Oneshi Press Anthology Now Open!

Oneshi Press, the publisher of PACK, is creating a quarterly comics anthology! The first anthology, due out in July, will feature eight pages of PACK, as well as three other eight-page stories. Right now, Oneshi Press is looking for submissions of graphic works, guest art, and advertisements for their second anthology! The following blog, containing detailed information about submission guidelines, post was originally published on the Oneshi Press blog.LINE - PACK comic - Layout separatorOneshi Press builds worlds and invites readers to explore…but we know that there are more worlds out there than we’ve built! That’s why we’re starting a quarterly anthology of immersive, progressive, gorgeous work in graphic formats, and we’re inviting you to submit for consideration! We’re looking for the best, brightest, and stunning-est 8-page graphic works, guest art, and advertisements to fill the pages of Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #2 (OPQA #2), due out in October, 2017.

Here’s what you need to know to get the goodies into OPQA #2:

8-Page Graphic Work Submissions


  • We want your best, most immersive, gorgeous-est graphic work! We’re looking for submissions of:
    • one-off comics,
    • small pieces of longer graphic novels,
    • graphic short stories,
    • and any other breathtaking formats we can publish in print and ebook form.
  • Submissions of graphic works must be eight pages in length—no more, no less.
    • You may also submit extra art for consideration as a cover page, but this is not required.
  • We are only accepting work that is either finished or has a full team (a writer and an artist) attached. For future anthologies, we may be able to pair writers with artists, but since we’re just getting started and our deadlines are tight, we’re looking for fully realized projects only for OPQA #2.
    • If you only have a script at this time, but you have an artist lined up to illustrate it, that’s fine! Send us the script and a link to the artist’s portfolio!
    • If you only have concept art, but you have a writer lined up, please send us art and the most detailed outline you can manage, as well as a link to the writer’s portfolio.
    • Be aware that our deadlines are very tight for this first anthology, so if your project is accepted, you will only have about a month to create finished pages! Plan accordingly!
  • We’re seeking work that is gorgeous, immersive, and progressive. There are lots of publishers out there telling the same old stories by the same old people who look and think and act like the same old action heroes. We want to see stories from less obvious points of view, hear the perspectives of those who aren’t always the heroes. Tell us tales of nonbinary folks, people of color, marginalized communities, and fantastical realms that push our imaginations!


Have your submission to us by June 30, 2017 for consideration in OPQA #2. We will let you know by July 4 if you’ve been selected!

Submissions received after June 30 will be considered for later anthologies, but will not make the cut for OPQA #2.


E-mail us your .DOCs, JPGs, PDFs, and other easy-to-download media to info[at]oneshipress[dot]com, or share your work with us via DropBox using the same e-mail address.

Dollars and Cents

Oneshi Press wants to compensate all contributors as fairly as possible. We offer two options that contributors can choose from, depending on what works best for them:

  • An up-front payment for work accepted, or
  • A back-end, royalty-based payment plan based on sales.

Creators retain copyright in all their work! We’ll only ask for first publication rights!

Guest Art Submissions

Are you a fan of Oneshi Press’s immersive worlds, but don’t want to submit a full 8-page original graphic work? Check this out: We want your work, too! We’re looking for a select few pieces of guest art based on Oneshi Press characters and worlds to include in the anthology!

E-mail your favorite art of Tracy Queen, the PACK, or the Children of Gaia fantasy universe to us at info[at]oneshipress[dot]com by June 30, 2017, and we’ll let you know if we can feature it in OPQA #2!


Want OPQA #2 readers to know about the work you do? So do we! We’re selling ad space in our anthology to spread the word about your company, book, art project, store, album…You name it, if it fits what we’re doing, we’ll run it! We’re accepting half-page and full-page ads, starting at just $25!

Have an ad in mind but don’t have the wherewithal to create it yourself? We’ve got you covered. Oneshi Press provides ad illustration and design services for would-be advertisers. E-mail us at info[at]oneshipress[dot]com by June 30, 2017 with your idea, and we’ll talk to you about rates!


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