Tag: Comicbook

  • New PACK Merch at the Oneshi Press Store!

    New PACK Merch at the Oneshi Press Store!

    Oneshi Press just combined their art books, comics (like PACK), art prints, and merch into one online store! Oneshi Press is releasing PACK eight pages at a time in its indie comics anthologies, alongside other stories by amazing, diverse creators from around the world. Nab a copy of each anthology in its limited-edition print paperback version before they…

  • Reblog: Call for Submissions for Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology

    Reblog: Call for Submissions for Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology

    Hi, PACK fans! If you like gorgeous art, gritty storytelling, and deep questions about heroes and villains—which you probably do if you love PACK—then get involved in telling your own stories with sequential art! The publisher of PACK, Oneshi Press, is accepting submissions of 8-page sequential art on a rolling basis for its quarterly anthologies, and we want you to…