PACK kickstarter cover image - Just Launched - Projects We Love

The PACK Is Back! Here’s Where to Find Them…
Check out the video we made for this Kickstarter campaign!

Are you ready to howl with us?

After two years away from the platform, PACK is back on Kickstarter! That means it’s time to meet PACK 3: Temperance!

We’ll be prowling Kickstarter along with the six stray dogs—and one stray man—of the PACK until August 31. That gives our amazing PACK-mates like you nearly a month to join in!

But we hope you’ll back the PACK sooner. Here’s why…

Early backers get more treats!

It’s true! The earlier you pledge, the more rewards you’ll get. We’ll send active backers exclusive art, scripts, and page breakdowns at funding milestones during the campaign. So, the earlier you pledge, the more of these rewards you’ll get! And that’s just one way we’re saying thanks to PACK fans for their support.

If you’re a returning backer from an earlier campaign, just leave a comment on the campaign page telling us what you loved about the last Oneshi Press project you supported. Then, we’ll send you even more goodies!

And those in-campaign exclusives are just the start! Standard rewards include high-quality, full-color print and digital copies of PACK issues 1 – 3, an original theme song from David Gueringer, stickers, and art prints. Plus original art from Jayel Draco, original short stories from Lynsey G, and a laser-etched light-up paw print sign. And we’ll have add-ons at check-out and after the campaign, so you can load up on all the treats you need.

Visit the Kickstarter campaign for PACK 3: Temperance!

humility mutt kindness pit bull temperance great dane comic books pack
Humility the mutt, Kindness the pit bull, and Temperance the Great Dane, all being Very Good Boys in front of their issues of PACK.
PACK kickstarter cover image - Just Launched - Projects We Love
Check out that sweet “Projects We Love” badge on our cover image!

Back with Confidence

Oneshi Press has earned “Backer Favorite” and “Superbacker” designations on Kickstarter. And the campaign for PACK 3: Temperance has earned the coveted “Projects We Love” badge from Kickstarter!

This will be our seventh successfully funded and fulfilled campaign. We know our way around making sure our backers get the very best—our mission is to make your tail wag!

So wag your way over to the campaign and see what’s happening! We’d love to hear you howl along with us!

Visit the Kickstarter campaign for PACK 3: Temperance!

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