We Met Our Goals!
Hello, PACK friends and fans! We are excited and humbled to announce that the Kickstarter to fund printing for the first issue of PACK concluded. And when it did, it had reached every one of its funding goals!
With the help of amazing supporters, Oneshi Press will print 1,000 copies of PACK #01: Humility. And, since the Kickstarter reached both of its stretch goals, those issues will each contain 32 pages of comics and art!
The 8 extra pages those stretch goals enabled will feature cover art for each 8-page chapter of the story, along with guest art from Oneshi Press community artists! And a page thanking the 28 Kickstarter backers who chipped in $10 or more!
What’s Next?
We’re currently awaiting the completion of PACK-themed guest art, and should be ready to order print copies later this month! We hope to meet our last goal—getting the comics out to Kickstarter backers in August.
Thank you, from the very bottom of our fuzzy-wuzzy hearts, for your generosity and commitment to funding this comic book! Your backing, sharing, and support helped us meet our goals, and it made us wag our tails! We can’t wait to share PACK #01: Humility with you, and the rest of the world!
First Reward = Delivered!
You can learn more about the PACK and the comic book series we’re making about them! And check out the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology, where PACK is being published in 8-page segments, alongside short comics from dozens of other creators!
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